Free will is a fundamental question in philosophy because it is the foundation of ethics. If man has no free choice in his actions then he does not need a moral code of how to choose his actions from a range of alternatives. In its broadest sense, the idea of free will centers on the question of "What is the place of the mind in nature?" In Part 1 of this talk Dr.
Kelley focuses on 3 basic issues: a formulation of the free will theory as opposed to the determinist position; Ayn Rand's theory of free will; and the argument that the existence of free will would violate the law of causality. Part 2 examines volition from a biological perspective and broadly outlines why the development and expansion of the brain, which led to man's conceptual form of cognition, could also have been expected to give rise to volition as well.
The Foundations of Knowledge
> Lecture 1: The Primacy of Existence
> Lecture 2: The Epistemology of Perception
> Lectures 3 and 4: Universals and Induction
> Lecture 5: Skepticism
> Lecture 6: The Nature of Free Will
David Kelley is the founder of The Atlas Society. A professional philosopher, teacher, and best-selling author, he has been a leading proponent of Objectivism for more than 25 years.