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The 2025 Election: Australia vs the Global Deep State

The 2025 Election: Australia vs the Global Deep State

March 13, 2025

Warriors for liberty, fans of Ayn Rand, and my fellow Australians,

Political pundits have started grinding the numbers for the Australian 2025 federal election. In their minds, the two foremost questions are:

  1. Will there be a minority government or a majority one?
  2. Who will lead the government, Labor or the Coalition?

Yet these two questions are utterly irrelevant. The electoral battle, in philosophical terms, is between “classical liberalism” and a Global Deep State. Since both major parties—Labor and the Coalition (of the Nationals and the Liberals)—are broadly aligned with the Global Deep State, the outcome of the 2025 federal election is a foregone conclusion, no matter who wins: Tweedledum or Tweedledee. Only 17 of the 151 lower-house members and 21 of the 76 of the Senate members are not from the two major parties. But, most of the minor party opposition (the Greens, individual Teals, other independents, Centre Alliance, Jacqui Lambi Network, etc.) are also aligned, in some cases even more so, with the Global Deep State.

Only two political parties in Australia, both minor, stand opposed to the Global Deep State. One’s opposition is reactionary, the other’s is principled.

But wait…exactly what is this “Global Deep State”?

The Global Deep State

The Global Deep State is the Administrative State plus all the academia, think tanks, media, corporations, NGOs, and supranational organizations that outwardly and unanimously support a single philosophy: Neo-Marxism.

That philosophy is one that’s sold as being ‘for the people’, but in actuality, the people in power and their crony friends are the only beneficiaries; everyone else is worse off. The supranational organizations include the UN and its intrusive arms like the WHO, the IPCC, and the WEF. The Administrative State is the sum total of all the bureaucracies, which always seek to entrench power within the arms of authority, as against leaving the people free to choose. Included in this definition are those who have been railroaded into becoming agents of the Global Deep State. Let’s recall Mark Zuckerberg’s recent interview with Joe Rogan which spoke of the Biden Administration’s violation of the US Constitution’s First Amendment.

Not included in this definition are scholars such as Ian Plimer, Walter Block, and Jordan Peterson, and media (such as FEE, Sky News, Mises Wire) that do not need a cloak (because they are honest). They are a rare breed, in the extreme minority everywhere on the planet.

Neo-Marxists went on the long, slow march through our institutions from the 1930s, and, over time, they have captured most of the humanities and the field of ideas. Culture is downstream of ideas, and politics is downstream of culture. That’s how politics is now ruled by neo-Marxist ideas.

Some of us wonder how quickly gender dysphoria, a delusion curable with therapy, became a need that must be met with surgical mutilation of children. Some of us were watching trends. The politicisation of medicine quietly kicked off in 2013 in the field of psychiatry

The Marxist envy of Western Civilisation and its goal to destroy capitalism was disguised as a ‘virtuous science’ in order to undermine industrial progress. Climate alarmism became a climate emergency, a Gaia goddess that had to be served by demonising coal, throttling natural gas, and subsidising unreliable wind turbines that keep farmers awake at night—without even a provable hypothesis or a model that fits historic climate data, let alone a model capable of predicting the future. Governments monopolised research funds. Astonishingly, the bureaucrats always (or at least 97% of the time) got the results they needed. And so started the quick, goose step march toward Net Zero, now the second-largest scientific swindle of all time.

But you…you, the liberty warriors and fans of Ayn Rand, were not fooled. As you took to social media, our American cousins saw the light and voted to halt the neo-Marxist march in 2016. But the swamp was far too deep, far too wide. A lab in Wuhan leaked a virus. Then a pandemic of deceit gathered storm. Neo-Marxist NGOs became fact checkers to police, interrogate, and censor our opinions. But now, in the United States at least, the Global Deep State has lost one more electoral battle. In Argentina, too. But the war will rage on for at least a decade more.

Is Peter Dutton Scared or Oblivious?

That’s hard to know. What’s blindingly obvious to us must also be so to anyone clever enough to rise in a political hierarchy. We wrote an open letter to Scott Morrison when he was prime minister. He didn’t listen. He lost. Now even Gina Rinehart, among the best and wisest and richest among us, has called upon Peter Dutton to adopt “Trump-like” policies. Is he listening? He must be. Will he continue to adhere to the Paris Accord having committed to spend billions on building nuclear plants? Almost certainly. Why? 

You see, for us liberty warriors, Newton is our dear friend, Aristotle is our dearer friend, but truth is our dearest friend. Those who fly to Canberra are a different species—of the same skin and bone, but of dissimilar brain cells. They say they like science and philosophy, too, but Ms. Power is their mistress, muse, and spouse—a three-in-one demigod who rules their minds and controls their bodies. She reveals to them that Vanguard, BlackRock, and State Street Fidelity, the three strongmen, together have around $23 trillion of funds under management, and they serve the Global Deep State elites. She whispers that 75% of Australian voters believe that something must be done about ‘climate change’. She reminds Peter Dutton of seats lost to the ‘pro-climate’ Teals, and Gina Rinehart’s immensely persuasive powers are neutralised in a single whiff of one poll.

What Should We Do?

We must gracefully lose the electoral battle that’s already lost. But back to my original point—there are two parties opposing the Global Deep State, one a reactionary force, Pauline Hanson’s One Nation, the other a principled dynamism, the Libertarian Party.

Australians are blessed. Preferential voting allows us to sway the trends without losing the power of our ballot. Vote first against the Global Deep State, whatever else you do from number 2 onwards. 

Donald Trump is riding a reactionary wave against the elitism of the Davos mafia that wants the rest of us to be happy eating bugs, owning nothing, and becoming dependent on the State for basic welfare. Right now Trump is a force of nature; he signed 26 executive orders on day one, something our prime minister, even a good one, can’t do. 

But there’s an even bigger current gathering strength out at sea that Trump pointedly does not see. It’s the tsunami of truth, which is bigger than a furious reaction to evil at the shores. We must be ready when Net Zero, the outcome of the second-largest scientific swindle ever, collapses our economy entirely.

Meanwhile, the greatest con of all time is buried in waters so deep that only one political party has dived down far enough to see it. Inflation must be zero, absolute dead zero, Kelvin zero, for investment to veer solely into productive channels and boost the economy. This was the state of the UK and the US from 1815 to 1914 on a gold or bimetallic standard—tremendous economic growth coupled with zero inflation for one hundred years. The pound was a unit of weight (a pound of silver) as was the (US) dollar (24.1 grams of pure silver). But Ms. Power, her beauty ethereal, her voice soothing, her hands full of research grants, seduced the entire professoriate (save the Austrian school economists).

Now everyone thinks there’s a trade-off between growth and inflation. There never was. There never is. There never will be. The two, real growth and lack of inflation, are as conjoined as unseparated Siamese twins. Only the Libertarian Party seems to grasp this. They alone talk of an economy that could be free of excess regulation, of free speech engraved into our constitution, of taxes that could be low, and of money that’s sound. Money that is sound is a cardinal principle that has markedly escaped even the brightest of Trump’s advisers, including Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy.

Have a deeper look then, my friends, at the only two enemies of this global monster on our beautiful island shores. And carefully decide who is the wiser one. For, in the end, the wiser one will be the stronger one.

Use this electoral battle to grow the potency of this fury. Only then will Ms. Power whisper again in the ear of whoever is then the leader of the Coalition; only then will liberals try to become classical liberals again; only then will the first tremors of the Trump earthquake be felt in Australia.

[i] “Plato is my friend — Aristotle is my friend — but my greatest friend is truth.” Isaac Newton.


Vinay Kolhatkar
About the author:
Vinay Kolhatkar

Vinay Kolhatkar is an author, podcaster, and Chief Editor of The Savvy Street, a public intellectual e-zine. He was the Libertarian Party’s candidate for the April 2024 federal by-election, and is on their electoral policy committee.

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