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Peter Diamandis is The Atlas Society 2020 Honoree!

Peter Diamandis is The Atlas Society 2020 Honoree!

3 Mins
May 5, 2015

Peter Diamandis has agreed to be the recipient of our Lifetime Achievement Award at this year's fall gala on October 14th, 2020, in Los Angeles –– and equally exciting, last year’s recipient, Lululemon Founder Chip Wilson, will personally be the one to present it. Diamandis is the Founder of the XPRIZE and Singularity University, and a pioneer of commercial space flight and cellular/genomic therapies among his many other accomplishments.  


“I’m honored by the opportunity to receive the award,” says Diamandis, “The work of Ayn Rand and Atlas Shrugged is very important in my life as well.  I’ve read the book no less than five times, and it gave me a new world view that I cherish.”

As an entrepreneur, Diamandis has started over 20 companies in the areas of longevity, space, venture capital and education. He is co-founder of BOLD Capital Partners, a venture fund with $250M investing in exponential technologies, and co-founder and Vice Chairman of Celularity, Inc., a cellular therapeutics company which recently announced FDA clearance for an Investigational New Drug representing a significant step toward a potential treatment of patients infected with COVID-19 virus.

Diamandis is a New York Times bestselling author of several books including Abundance: The Future Is Better Than You Think and Bold: How to Go Big, Make Bank, and Better the World. All Atlas Society Gala attendees will receive copies of his new book —The Future is Faster Than You Think — in their gift bags.

Diamandis has earned degrees in molecular genetics and aerospace engineering from MIT and holds an M.D. from Harvard Medical School.

Says CEO Jennifer Grossman: “Peter Diamandis is a true Atlas –– a man of world-changing entrepreneurial achievements.  During his storied career, he’s been a consistent champion of reason, data-driven optimism and can-do individualism.  His motto –– ‘The best way to predict the future is to create it yourself’ –– is much needed in this era of uncertainty, and one which perfectly resonates with the values of The Atlas Society.  He’s the right man, with the right message for our times, and we couldn’t be more proud and excited to have him as our honoree.”

Sunny Los Angeles is our location for the gala on October 14th, and we will keep you posted about the venue as we pull final details together.  Meanwhile you can pre-order your ticket here and contact us at atlasgala@atlassociety.org for more information.

Jennifer A. Grossman
About the author:
Jennifer A. Grossman

Jennifer Anju Grossman -- JAG-- became the CEO of the Atlas Society in March of 2016. Since then she’s shifted the organization's focus to engage young people with the ideas of Ayn Rand in creative ways. Prior to joining The Atlas Society, she served as Senior Vice President of Dole Food Company, launching the Dole Nutrition Institute — a research and education organization— at the behest of Dole Chairman David H. Murdock. She also served as Director of Education at the Cato Institute, and worked closely with the late philanthropist Theodore J. Forstmann to launch the Children's Scholarship Fund. A speechwriter for President George H. W. Bush, Grossman has written for both national and local publications.  She graduated with honors from Harvard.

Atlas Shrugged