

Are Lockdowns an Election-Year Ransom Note?

"We don’t realistically anticipate that we would be moving to either tier 2 or reopening K-12 schools at least until after the election, in early November.” Those are the words of a west coast health director. No in-person schooling until after the election? Hmmm.Please think about what was said. It reads as kind of a ransom note. Vote for science-reverent candidate Joe Biden, or else….

Sep 21, 2020
John Tamny
Member Spotlight: Kyle Ver Steeg, M.D.

My first wife. I wasn't much of a reader then, but she recommended Atlas Shrugged. She never recommended a book before, but she thought I'd like it. I thought, well that's curious. So I went ahead and started reading it. And the more I read it, the more my attitude changed.

Jun 12, 2020
Marilyn Moore
7 Mins
Member Spotlight: Alan J. Dlugash, CPA

I started in accounting at the age of six. My father saw me doing arithmetic homework and said, “Why do you need to solve made up problems?” So he gave me his business ledgers and had me add up the columns.

May 15, 2020
Marilyn Moore
8 Mins
The Atlas Society Asks Sam Sorbo: Are We Ready for Homeschool?

By default, many parents are homeschooling now. School closures have also raised questions about whether the high cost of government education is providing decent returns, given the all too often dismal results.

Apr 23, 2020
Marilyn Moore
5 Mins
Coronavirus Message from The Atlas Society

At a time when a highly infectious biological virus, the coronavirus, is spreading – as is an equally infectious psychological virus, panic – I wanted to take the opportunity to reach out with a message on what we at The Atlas Society are doing to respond to both.

Mar 22, 2020
Jennifer A. Grossman
4 Mins
How Not to Argue on Facebook

For Ayn Rand, an argument was the distinctive human banner, the banner of reason and persuasion. Where brutes force, human beings argue, a

May 30, 2017
Walter Donway
4 Mins
Would Ayn Rand Wear a School Uniform?

My 5-year-old daughters were very excited. My wife had taken them to the craft store to buy T-shirts with sketches on them that they could c

May 25, 2016
Edward Hudgins
6 Mins
How Does Brown U. Justify Racial Quotas?

Today, I dropped by the office of my ophthalmologist. Although my eye glasses were broken, the first thing I asked the receptionist was...

May 19, 2016
Walter Donway
9 Mins
Night of the Living DWEM

WE DEMAND the hiring of at least 10 additional tenure-track ethnic studies professors and a commitment to the retention of these professors

May 18, 2016
David Kelley Ph.D
5 Mins
Take Your Daughters to Work Day

April 28 was “Take your daughters to work day,” and I did! (I hope all you parents took your sons along as well!) My five-year-old fraternal

Apr 29, 2016
Edward Hudgins
3 Mins
Giancarlo Ibarguen, in memoriam

Giancarlo Ibargüen has passed away. Objectivism and liberty have lost a powerful ally and a great friend...

Mar 10, 2016
2 Mins
Living an Extraordinary Life | A profile of Lauren Zander

The biggest moment of her life was about to arrive, and Katie Torpey didn’t even care. It was a Saturday night in Los Angeles, and Katie

Feb 11, 2016
Sarah Perry
8 Mins
Marsha Enright and the Great Connections Seminars

Colleges do a pretty good job of teaching calculus and the Krebs Cycle. They know how to test what you’ve learned. They grant diplomas

Mar 4, 2015
4 Mins
Obama's 2015 State of the Stupid

In his 2015 State of the Union speech, President Obama counted on the American people being too ignorant to see that he was offering the

Jan 22, 2015
Edward Hudgins
5 Mins
Don't ban religious teaching, teach reason

Recently Zoltan Istvan, author of the provocative book The Transhumanist Wager, called for “regulation that restricts religious indoctrinati

Oct 2, 2014
Edward Hudgins
4 Mins
Obama offers more of the same failed education ideas

Sure proof of the failure of the country’s education system is the fact that Americans, the casualties of that system, could listen

Feb 22, 2013
Edward Hudgins
5 Mins
Romney Beats Obama in Debate, Round One

It was the battle of the blue suits, round one, in the presidential debates. There were no major gaffes and no absolute knockouts. Pundits

Oct 4, 2012
Edward Hudgins
5 Mins
Lynda Weinman: Queen of the Triple Win

Just 10 years ago 3G and Bluetooth were in their infancy; Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube didn’t exist; and there were no mobile app stores.

Oct 26, 2011
10 Mins
Learning Liberty

She stood on a bank of snow with an outstretched hand and decades of hope. It had snowed for seven straight days and three-foot drifts lined

Jul 26, 2011
Sarah Perry
Start it Up!

Thirty years ago, Steve Mariotti decided to take a jog by the river. He was about a mile into his run, close to where his high-rise Wall....

Jun 27, 2011
Sarah Perry
10 Mins

Nous promouvons un objectivisme ouvert : la philosophie de la raison, de la réussite, de l'individualisme et de la liberté.