Ayn Rand's Ideas and Influence

Ayn Rand's Ideas and Influence

Ayn Rand’s Thoughts on the Middle East and Israel

The brutality of the Hamas attack on Israel reminds us that the morality behind the Holocaust still infects our world.

Oct 9, 2023
Edward Hudgins
Member Spotlight: Vanessa Porras

It was terrible. I was ten years old when Hugo Chavez became president in 1999, and life got very depressing. We were no longer free. There was no more respect for us as individuals. There was no more private property.

Apr 17, 2020
Marilyn Moore
6 MIns
Member Spotlight: Legacy Donor Dr. Greg Bulkley

A high school English teacher recognized my individualism. He introduced me to Ralph Waldo Emerson’s essay “Self-Reliance,” George Orwells’ novels 1984 and Animal Farm, Ibsen’s play “The Enemy of the People,” and David Karp’s novel One.

Apr 9, 2020
Marilyn Moore
7 Mins
Salvation Through Annihilation

Physically, a human being is a rather weak, pathetic creature. We do not possess the strength of the bear, the cunning claws of the tiger, nor the wings of the steely-eyed hawk. All we truly possess that is of any use is an accident called self-awareness.

Apr 3, 2020
Ellsworth Toohey, Jr.
6 Mins
Member Spotlight: Social Psychologist Joe Duarte, Ph.D.

Friends and members of The Atlas Society are a major source of knowledge and wisdom. Social Psychologist Joe Duarte, Ph.D. recently spoke

Mar 24, 2020
Marilyn Moore
10 MIns
An Interview with Economist and International Affairs Activist Gloria Alvarez

MM: You will be the keynote speaker at The Atlas Society’s third annual gala October 10 in New York City. Let’s tell people who you are and

Jul 9, 2019
Marilyn Moore
8 Mins
Ayn Rand and Altruism, Part 3

In the foreword to The Moral Basis of Individualism—a book that Ayn Rand began writing for Bobbs-Merrill in 1943 but never finished—we find

Dec 14, 2018
George H. Smith
6 Mins
Nathaniel Branden, In His Own Words

The inclusion of Branden’s lecture and question-answer session in this collection gives him a voice in his own commemoration. Published....

Jul 1, 2017
Allen Mendenhall
7 Mins
Southern Exposure: “Branden Saved Years of My Life”

Section II features autobiographical reflections on Branden by his friends and associates Roger E. Bissell, Mimi Reisel Gladstein...

May 17, 2017
Allen Mildenhall
8 Mins
The Fountainhead: Ayn Rand’s Ode to Entrepreneurship

“There are some rules I’m perfectly willing to obey,” explains Howard Roark, the protagonist of Ayn Rand’s 1943 best seller, The Fountainhe

Apr 5, 2017
Eric Bryant
5 Mins
Five Dumbest Comments About Ayn Rand the "Draw My Life" Video

Our new Atlas Society “Draw My Life” video, this one on Ayn Rand, has gone viral with half a million views on Facebook and climbing. Written

Aug 22, 2016
3 Mins
Ayn Rand and the A-Bomb

On August 6, 1945 the United States dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima, Japan, hoping to end World War II quickly and avoid the......

Aug 3, 2016
Edward Hudgins
4 Mins
Five Ayn Rand Questions for Grover Norquist

I run American for Tax Reform, the group that shares the Taxpayer Protection Pledge with all candidates. We ask them to commit in writing

Jul 14, 2016
3 Mins
Five Ayn Rand Questions for Ray Raad

I’m a psychiatrist in private practice in New York City. I spend most of my time working with a variety of interesting people who are

Jul 7, 2016
3 Mins
What Would Ayn Rand Think About Americanism Today?

Seventy years ago Ayn Rand, thankful for finding refuge in the United States from the totalitarian Soviet Union, wrote a short essay series

Jun 30, 2016
Edward Hudgins
5 Mins
How Hungarian Milk Explains Brexit

A conversation I had a dozen years ago in Hungary about that country’s milk helps explain why the British voted to leave the European Union.

Jun 24, 2016
Edward Hudgins
6 Mins
Five Ayn Rand Questions for Heather Wagenhals

I’m Heather Wagenhals, native Phoenician (from Phoenix, Arizona, that is!), author, speaker, professional coach, and radio talk-show host...

Jun 22, 2016
3 Mins
Five Ayn Rand Questions for Jay Friedenberg

I am a professor of psychology at Manhattan College. I recently finished serving as chairperson for the department for a 10-year period and

Jun 17, 2016
3 Mins
Five Ayn Rand Questions for Robert Bradley

I am a classical-liberal intellectual, or at least a student of classical liberalism.I specialize in energy history and public policy. That

Jun 7, 2016
3 Mins
Five Ayn Rand Questions for John J. Enright

I'm an IT consultant, playwright, and poet. In 2015, my comedy, "O'Brien & O'Brian", was part of the New York International...

Jun 6, 2016
2 Mins

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