

From Worldview to Worldstorm

This award-winning documentary was directed by Latvian filmmaker, Edvīns Šnore, and debuted to considerable acclaim at film festivals

Jun 27, 2010
Jason Walker
10 Mins
The Individualist's Guide to Progressive Change

If socialism were a respectable affiliation, Progressives would probably call themselves “democratic socialists.”But socialism died as a....

Jun 26, 2010
William Thomas
10 Mins
Man with the Reverse-Midas Touch

“I’m really looking forward to hearing a speech by someone who is involved in innovation, knows America’s place in the world market and has

Jun 26, 2010
4 Mins
Obama to G-20: Print more money, don't make it

German Chancellor Angela Merkel is not returning U.S. President Barack Obama's calls. I'm being theatrical. Obama is demanding that Germany

Jun 26, 2010
Ilana Mercer
4 Mins
Choose or Lose: How Regulation Destroys Value

When economic crises hit, politicians of both parties are demanding more regulation of the economy. Failures in banking and finance...

Jun 26, 2010
William Thomas
10 mins
Fight Club: How bad politics turns good neighbors into rivals

Front, my side (call us the “Alliance for Choice”) was recently crushed by the Egalitarian Axis in the Battle of the Universal Pre-K Lottery

Jun 26, 2010
10 Mins
Criminal Charges for BP?

The Gulf Spill Once again, journalists are speculating about the possibility of bringing criminal charges against BP CEO Tony Hayward...

Jun 24, 2010
2 Mins
Aviation Insecurity

You asked “Are we any safer?” I have to ask you, safer from what? If we are talking about a repeat of the 9/11 incident, I think we are.....

Jun 23, 2010
10 Mins
The Forgotten Essentials of Jefferson's Philosophy

"The twentieth-century statesman whom the Thomas Jefferson of January 1793 would have admired most is Pol Pot," head of the totalitarian....

Jun 23, 2010
David N. Mayer
10 Mins
Completing the American Revolution

When forced to assume [self-government], we were novices in its science. Its principles and forms had entered little into our....

Jun 23, 2010
David N. Mayer
10 Mins
Join the Ogre Resistance

It looks as though Dreamworks could not have come up with a better slogan for its final Shrek movie: After

Jun 22, 2010
2 Mins
Drunk on Our Money

You walk into a bar and see the same drunk who’s there every night lying on the floor in a pool of his reeking fluids. He raises his head...

Jun 21, 2010
Edward Hudgins
5 Mins
Producers vs. Expropriators: America's Coming Civil War?

This is not mere rhetoric. It describes a crack in the American community that since Barack Obama’s election as president has widened into..

Jun 21, 2010
Edward Hudgins
4 Mins
Did Rand Paul Waffle on Civil Rights?

It sure didn’t take long for Rand Paul’s political opponents to sharpen their daggers. Less than 24 hours after winning the Kentucky Senate

Jun 21, 2010
Bradley Doucet
4 Mins
Banking on Envy

The Obama administration is launching a rabble-rousing assault on big banks. Thus we see on display in Washington another example of how...

Jun 21, 2010
Edward Hudgins
6 Mins
Five Superstitions that Harm Haiti

The earthquake in Haiti that has resulted in tens of thousands of deaths and inflicted untold misery on the inhabitants of that country has

Jun 21, 2010
Edward Hudgins
4 Mins
Israel vs. Palestinian Moral Smuggling

Israel is involved in another public relations mess. But even a superficial look at the incident at sea off Gaza shows that the real mess..

Jun 21, 2010
Edward Hudgins
5 Mins
Carbon, Cults, and Control Freaks

A scramble by Democrats on Capitol Hill to prevent a particular vote on a particular bill highlights for us two of the most pernicious...

Jun 21, 2010
Edward Hudgins
4 Mins
The Moral Counter-Revolution of the Goldman Sachs Case

May 13, 2010 -- I do not often agree with Washington Post columnist Robert Samuelson, especially when he pontificates about the nature of

Jun 21, 2010
5 Mins
Whose Environment?

I was walking back to the office one day, here in Washington, D.C., when a young woman accosted me on a street corner. “Got a minute for the

Jun 21, 2010
David Kelley Ph.D
6 Mins

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